
Showing posts from August 30, 2009
Book Report: Sourcery, by Terry Pratchett I love Terry Pratchett's books. He's probably the funniest writer going right now, in the tradition of Douglas Adams and P.G. Wodehouse. Not only does he create funny situations and characters and dialogue, but just the way he uses language is wonderful. Every page has some tired cliché turned inside out and hysterically apt. Besides the humor, he often waylays you with something so moving and true that it can bring tears to your eyes. Add to this an amazing inventiveness of plot and situation and you have a complete package. This story takes place on DiscWorld, which is like our world, except that it's flat and circular, like a phonograph record, and rests on the back of four immense elephants, who stand on the back of a very large turtle. Once again, the main characters are Rincewind, surely the most inept and cowardly wizard ever, and The Luggage, a kind of footlocker with legs that behaves like a vicious guard dog around whoever...