Book report: Batman: The Dark Knight Strikes Again, by Frank Miller and Lynn Varley This is the 3-issue sequel to Miller and Varley’s 1986 masterpiece “Batman: The Dark Knight Returns”. At the end of that 4-issue work, Batman, after defeating the Joker and a nameless anarchical criminal leader, pretends to be dead to escape the notice of Superman and the authorities. Now, 3 years later, the world is a wonderful place. The Dow is at 50,000. Congress passes laws unanimously. Everyone is happy. Well, not everyone. In fact, most people have it pretty crappy in this world. Wealthy and powerful people and corporations have the world in their pocket. Dissent is outlawed. The President is revealed to be a CGI creation – and nobody cares much. Except for Batman. Enough about plot. It is the style of DKSA that smacks you in the eyeball. It’s like a comic gone berserk. There are almost no settings. Just the people, ma’am. Sometimes just a chin or a finger. It’s like Dark Knight Returns on...
Showing posts from February 13, 2011