Book report: The Lost Symbol, by Dan Brown
Book report: The Lost Symbol, by Dan Brown I started reading Dan Brown’s “The DaVinci Code”, and really liked it, up until I found out that the big secret behind all the machinations was that Jesus was a dad (“Dad, show Jimmy that you can too walk on water!”), and his descendants (the Christs?) were still among us. I couldn’t take it seriously after that. It was as if the big secret was that the moon really was made of green cheese, and an immense conspiracy was underway by Kraft to harvest all that cheese. Sorry, I cannot suspend disbelief that much, and I’m usually a really good belief-suspender. His “Angels and Demons” was terrific, though. He actually wrote this before DaVinci Code, but when DVC became such a monster hit, A&D was rediscovered. It’s about a plot to blow up the Vatican with an anti-matter bomb, all orchestrated by a madman who also feels the need to kidnap and maim several archbishops – who are in the midst of electing a new Pope – at certain historically si...