Book report: The Map of Time, by Felix J. Palma
Book report: The Map of Time, by Felix J. Palma It’s all my own fault. I couldn’t resist a book with a title like “The Map of Time.” Plus, the idea of [SPOILER ALERT!] H. G. Wells using his secret time machine to hunt down and defeat Jack the Ripper in Victorian London is wonderful. But, boy, does this book need pruning! For example, even before reading this book, I was aware that Jack the Ripper was a bad guy. I don’t need 84 pages about how the main character, who was in love with one of the murder victims, was affected by the crimes for me to come to the conclusion that preventing said crimes would be good. I also don’t need a complete biography of H. G. Wells from the age of 8. Nor do I need a thorough plot summary of The Time Machine, which I’ve read several times, and seen both movies of, and whose events don’t really pertain to the present story. And I really don’t need an exposition on how the main character’s father made his fortune by selling toilet paper. What...