
Showing posts from October 18, 2009
Book Report: David Copperfield, by Charles Dickens This is part of an informal project to read all the "required reading" books I never read in high school. I had a two-novel-a-week habit back then, mainly science fiction and mysteries, and I couldn't bear reading the books they assigned us. Thus, I only made it less than a quarter of the way through David Copperfield. Judicious skimming before the test allowed me to maintain my grades. It worked out. Anyway, I wanted to see what the book was like. Even now, I took the easy way out, in two ways. First: books on tape. I have a lot more time driving to and from work than I do to sit down with a book at home. Second: the nine hour abridged version, rather than the thirty hour unabridged version. Thirty hours! Yikes. The version I chose was more like a radio play, concentrating on the scenes between people, the dialog, and so forth. I enjoyed this book, and I can almost see why they chose it for us to read in high school. The...